Tag Archive | Lucasfilm

‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Gets ‘Toy Story 3’ Writer

Of all the reactions the Disney/Lucasfilm buyout got, the ones that I will never understand are the completely negative ones.  Lucasfilm showed absolutely no evidence that it was was capable of handling the films after the original cut of the original trilogy.  Disney, on the other hand, has created entire fandom-pleasing franchises (Avengers Initiative, anyone?) in just the last decade.  And this changing of hands isn’t something to celebrate?  We’ve already got the first sign of better management with the announced writer of Star Wars: Episode VII.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the writer will most likely be Michael Arndt, best known for Toy Story 3 and getting an Oscar for Little Miss Sunshine.  Granted, neither of those really fall into the same category as Star Wars, but good storytelling is good storytelling.

Apparently, a few months before the buy-out occurred, Arndt had been hired to write a 40-50 page treatment for the first chapter of the new trilogy.  While he hasn’t been officially selected to write the actual screenplay, it seems likely he’ll end up with that job as well.

I’ve long become tired of bashing the Star Wars prequels, so I’ll keep my reaction brief: I’m optimistic about a Star Wars film, and it feels just wonderful.